Sunday, February 2, 2014

BOOK GIVEAWAY: Jubliee's Journey by Bette Lee Crosby

Now's your chance to read my review of Jubilee's Journey by Bette Lee Crosby and be sure to leave a comment for a chance to win your very own Kindle copy!

Book Review: Jubliee’s Journey by Bette Lee Crosby

By Crystal J. Casavant-Otto
Jubilee’s Journey is Book Two in the Wyattsville Series by award winning author Bette Lee Crosby. This story of discovering lost family and finding love reconnects readers with Ethan Allen and the other heart-warming characters of the bestselling novel SPARE CHANGE.
I absolutely loved Spare Change and Crosby did not disappoint with the second book in the series. Jubilee’s Journey was well written and the characters were easy to fall in love with. Crosby writes with such eloquence you cannot help but become completely engrossed in each story. Whether you read Jubliee’s Journey on its own or as part of the series, you’ll enjoy every page turn. What I find most intriguing about Crosby’s writing in general is how she draws the reader into the story without all the extra words some authors choose to use. Very seldom does Crosby include the color of the couch, the smell of the apple pie, etc…and yet the reader can vividly picture each character and their surroundings. This is truly a gift and makes each story as individual as the reader. I look forward to the upcoming third book in the series and I am disappointed knowing the third one is slated to be the last. The character Ethan Allen has warmed my heart and it will be difficult to let him go.
I want to buy a Kindle copy of Jubilee's Journey for ONE lucky reader!! Leave your comments below telling me one (or all for extra credit) of the following:

1) What do you love about my blog? How did you hear about me?

2) What is your favorite type of book to read? and why?

3) What is your favorite book by Bette Lee Crosby?

Good luck in the giveaway and hugs from me to you! A winner will be chosen randomly on February 14th (yes, Valentine's Day) and will be announced in the comments of this post as well as on my business FB page:



  1. My favorite kind of book to read is something happy that leaves me feeling good and allows me to escape!

  2. Sounds Like A great Book Will Have To Get!! Thanks For Sharing!!

  3. Our winner is Lisa who left the following comment:

    --Sounds Like A great Book Will Have To Get!! Thanks For Sharing!!

    Lisa, be sure to email me with your mailing address. My email is: and I need to hear from you within 48 hours to claim your prize!!
