So much for 365 blog posts in 2025. I made it to the middle of February though. I was going to try to catch up on the days I missed, but then the number got so large I considered just throwing the laptop out the window and going into hiding. Is there a witness protection plan for overextended writers? Obviously the laptop is alive and well and so am I. I may still go back and fill in the blanks, but as for right now, I'm here and I'm writing. I'm toying with giving up blogging for Lent. That was a lie - I gave up blogging and I'm thinking about blaming Lent and those two things are definitely not the same. I just don't know how to find the time for everything. I want to be the best employee, the best mom, the best looking and healthiest version of myself, the best author, the bestest of friends, and an amazing musician. If only there were more hours in each day or more days in each week or if I were superhuman and required less sleep - or even better, no sleep at a...
Such a storm..."don't leave home" ... We had a slow start, a big breakfast, and the plan was to stay in jammies all day long. Until the teenage boy called asking for a ride to work. So much for that! "Get dressed you guys" "we don't want to" "me either - but since I have to, you do too. Might as well take ourselves out for dinner too" "really mom?" "yes - really" "where are we eating?" "As long as we are taking Andre to the Waterfront Wine Bar, we may as well eat there. I love their wine and I could go for some prime rib" "count me in!" (the first thing the children agreed on ALL day!) We spent a cozy evening in my favorite restaurant enjoying all of the amazing Valentine things without the crowd. I fully expected to spend the day at home reading and catching up on work. This was WAY better! Today's post was penned by Crystal J. Casavant with the help of her deep forehead wrin...