January first me was ready. I had plans. I was going to drink more water, exercise regularly, blog daily, read a book a week all year, never be late for work, never miss an event or opportunity to support the children, say no more, have more fun, worry less, laugh more, floss daily, lose ten pounds a week and reach my health goal by mid-summer, prioritize my family first by putting them ahead of my mother and other older folks needing my care. Well...here I sit on this, the 13th day of January and I'm a complete failure. I'm likely dehydrated, my Y locker actually texted me asking if I was dead since it's been a few days, my blog is getting daily updates but hasn't been revamped as I'd planned, I've agreed to host things cook things and care for things I don't get joy from, it's been a week since I laughed, I didn't floss all weekend, I gained 3 pounds (damn peanut butter balls) and I still wonder daily why my mother expects so much from me and yet hates me all at the same time.
Did I mention my pants are getting snug? My weight isn't the problem - it's a symptom of the problem. My mental health - also a symptom. Trying to juggle everything for everyone and attempting unreasonable goals has left me feeling like a fat F'n failure. Yes, I can start over again because the new year isn't anything magical - but if I do the same thing I'll get the same results and we all know that as insanity.So, Crystal - what's your plan? (you ask)I'm going to take one thing at a time. I'm going to look at my list and I'm simply going to concentrate for the next 3 weeks on drinking more water. That's it - if my pants get too tight, I'll buy new ones knowing full well that I can get healthy more easily once the air doesn't hurt my face. For now - the L tag in my leggings doesn't mean I'm fat or that I failed. I'm human.What do you do too much of? Too little of? Can you take just one thing and work on it for 3 weeks? We all can - right? One healthy behavior repeated daily for 21 days - that sounds easy, doesn't it? It's a heck of a lot easier than attempting to change everything all at once. You know that as well as I do - but sometimes we forget our humanity in our quest to be the best version of ourself.Pick your one thing - and GO!xoxoxoCrystal
Today's post was penned by Crystal J. Casavant
Crystal Casavant writes. Everything. If you follow her blog you have likely laid eyes on every thought she has ever had. Her debut novel, It Was Never About Me, Was It? is still a work in progress and shall be fully worthy sometime in 2025. She has written for WOW! Women on Writing, Bring on Lemons, and has been featured in several magazines and ezines relating to credit and collections as well as religious collections for confessional Lutherans. She runs a busy household full of intelligent, recalcitrant, and delightful humans who give her breath and keep her heart beating day after day.Crystal wears many hats (and not just the one in this photo) and fully believes in being in the moment and doing everything she can to improve the lives of those around her! The world may never know her name, but she prays that because of her, someone may smile a little brighter. She prides herself on doing nice things - yes, even for strangers!
May your paths be abundantly filled with lemons, sugar, sunshine, and may you always remember the world is a better place with you in it even if you fall short of your goals.
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