It’s not him…it’s me…reflective parenting A few years ago, someone provided me with their opinion about my parenting. From their vantage point, I clearly favored my daughter who is the oldest. The individual providing the advice felt that I didn’t give my youngest (my son) the same attention I gave his sister who was 14 months older. Most people would argue the case in the other direction. They would tell you that I baby my baby and have unrealistic expectations for my oldest. Regardless… Two children, two different personalities, and yet I love each of them with 110% of my being. That said – my son is very accustomed to getting his own way and he has my bad temper and short fuse. Today, I cut the bottom of his shirt off instead of arguing about the shirt being too long. It was then that I realized that it’s not him, it’s me. I give into him WAY more than I do with my daughter. It’s definitely not right and I will work on it. I’m all about root cause though – asking WHY – so… ...
Bring on Lemons is a lemons to lemonade success blog about losing focus and finding a dream! It's also where I share my thoughts, ideas, book reviews, and writerly things as well as product reviews (food & drink too) - ENJOY!!