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Showing posts from March, 2021

Now Booking a WOW! Women on Writing Book Blog Tour for Allen Long's "Praying for Restraint"

  Spring has sprung and the temperatures here in Wisconsin are creeping up - now, before we get busy plowing and planting fields let's take some time to delve into a fabulous new book! WOW! Women on Writing is helping promote more wonderful books and up and coming authors and we would love to include YOU in these tours! One in particular I'd like to share with you is Praying for Restraint by Allen Long!  I have the PDF version available TODAY and can provide them right away if you'd like to get reading - you won't want to wait! (Physical copies will be mailed by the author in late April after the April 27th publication date) Please contact me  today  to reserve your copy  and participate in what is sure to be a fabulous tour. If you've never participated in a tour, feel free to inquire and I'll be happy to explain how it works - you don't even have to have your own blog! Send an email today to participate - email address: ...

Pre-Publication Review of Neill McKee's Latest Work: "KID ON THE GO! Memoir of my life before Borneo

   I had the distinct pleasure of reading Kid on The Go! before it was published. I can't wait until I can order my official copy and hold this little gem in my hands. It's a remarkable read by a truly talented author. I've also had an opportunity to read Finding Myself in Borneo as well as Guns and Gods in My Genes by this same author. The reason I mention this is because Kid on the Go! would be the prequel to Finding Myself in Borneo although each one stands just beautifully on their own. I read McKee's books in the following order: Finding Myself in Borneo , Guns and Gods in My Genes , and finally Kid on the Go! They tie in nicely together and I don't think you need to read them in any particular order - though I DO recommend reading all of them (simply because they're fabulous!) Now - let's look at a little more about each book and then I'll get down to the nitty gritty of my 5 Star review.  Guns and Gods in My Genes -     is a poignant, inten...