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Showing posts from August, 2013

Freezing Time

Six years ago I was living in a camper in a friends backyard. I was driving a car with leaks in the floorboards and a leaky sunroof. I had an infant daughter and was pregnant...the only thing I hadn't managed to mess up was my job. I was single, broke, and yet I'll be honest - I thought I had the world by the balls (as the saying goes). I had always wanted a family and though I was scared to death about how I would feed my family, I knew God would provide. I wasn't interested in dating really and just thought my position in life was to be a mom and in my heart that felt like perfection. I didn't think being a single parent was hard, in fact it was perfect for an only child because there's no compromise in single-parenthood (especially when Dad isn't involved monetarily or otherwise). I pick the daycare, the school, the place to live, down to the bedtimes and what's on the menu. This bliss went on for two years and my life came together. I moved out of th...

Host a Memoir or Sci-Fi/Fantasy WOW! Tour This Fall on Your Blog! (Act Today!!!)

Join WOW! For Some Fabulous Fall Blog Tours! Just 2 of the 4 Fall WOW! tours still have openings – will your blog be one of the stops? Scroll down and make your decision and then get in touch; I can’t wait to hear from you! Hugs, ~Crystal If you are interested, just send me an email ( ) and let me know the following: Date you prefer: Book Title: Hyperlink to your blog: Type of involvement: (ie: review + give away or interview + give away)**guest post topics have all been taken And your choices are… Book Title: Bringing in Finn Author: Sara Connell (Seal Press Pub. October 2013) Genre: Memoir / Family WOW! Blog Tour Dates: 10/21/2013-11/21/2013 Book Hashtag: #BIFinn Book Details: ·          Hardcover:  336 pages ·          Publisher:  Seal Press (August 28, 2012) ·      ...

WOW! Blog Tour - Guest Post by Cami Ostman "Remaking Yourself After Divorce"

Thank you WOW! Women on Writing for introducing me to the amazingly talented Cami Ostman who recently published a very interested anthology. But let's not get ahead of ourselves...First, let's read Cami's guest post: Remaking Yourself After Divorce Nothing can knock you off your foundation like a divorce. When people stand in front of their beloved on their wedding day and promise to love and honor forever, they don't have impending plans to separate down the road—but they know that divorce is a possibility. For me, when I got married at twenty-three (a virgin who had saved herself for God's right man), I not only committed to doing the best I could by my marriage, but I also believed that to leave it would be a sin, an affront against the Almighty One who was in charge of my eternal soul and who had ordained marriage so that each man could have a helpmate. Coming to a decision to leave my marriage meant changing my understanding of God first. Thus, when I d...

Those Are Racing Stripes ~ Embracing Pregnancy and Motherhood at 36!!

Some of you know my story and I'm in no way ashamed...I was pregnant for the first time at 20 and had a lovely baby girl. She was placed for adoption and we have always been very open with our family about her. It's a pretty heavy concept for a 5 and 6 year old to grasp and I admit it took me by surprise when my 5 year old son asked "why did you sell my sister?" and we have since talked about loving someone so much that you do what's best for them even though it breaks your heart. Anyway - I've been pregnant 6 times. Here's the scoop: My Age             Pregnancy Details 20 - Had a lovely baby girl after being on bed rest for 3 months 22 - Had a devastating miscarriage 30 - Had a lovely baby girl after being on bed rest for 6 months (3 months in the hospital) "Carmen" 31 - Had a handsome baby boy ... totally text book pregnancy ... no bedrest "Andre" 35 - Had a devastating miscarriage and learned about something called a 'mi...

Adding Another WOW! Blog Tour to This Falls LineUp - Swimming With Maya by Eleanor Vincent

I have more great news! Here is another fabulous WOW! Blog Tour you can look forward to as a reader - or get in on as a blogger! Contact me if you are interested!!! ( Book Title:  Swimming with Maya (Dream of Things Pub. March 2013) Author:  Eleanor Vincent Genre:  Memoir/Parenting WOW! Blog Tour Dates:  10/14/2013-11/15/2013 Book Hashtag:   #SWMaya Book Details: ·           Print Length:  340 pages ·           Page Numbers Source ISBN:  0988439042 ·           Simultaneous Device Usage:  Unlimited ·           Publisher:  Dream of Things (March 26, 2013) ·           Sold by:  Amazon Digital Services, Inc. ·     ...

Do You Have a Writing or Book Blog? Sign Up For A Fall WOW! Women on Writing Blog Tour!

Join WOW! For Some Fabulous Fall Blog Tours! It’s hard to believe that fall will soon be upon us ~ lucky for me; I live in Wisconsin so fall means sweet corn, apple picking, and some fun jumping in leaves with the kiddos! It also brings the arrival of our new baby (due September 30 th ) and in the midst of all this, I have 4 WOW! Blog Tours I want to share with you. Please let me know what dates work best for you and I’ll make sure you’re included. Hugs, ~Crystal If you are interested, just send me an email ( ) and let me know the following: Date you prefer: Book Title: Hyperlink to your blog: Type of involvement: (ie: review + give away or guest post + give away)**if you choose a guest post, please let me know which title you prefer: And your choices are… Book Title: The Goodbye Year Author: Toni Piccinini (Seal Press Pub. October 2013) Genre: Health & Well Being WOW! Blog Tour Dates: 10/7/2013-11/7...