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Showing posts from September, 2013
Book Review: The Goodbye Year by Toni Piccinini By Crystal J. Casavant-Otto Toni Piccinini knows exactly what that’s like to send a child off and have another empty bedroom and in The Goodbye Year , she offers the loving support every soon-to-be Empty Nester needs. Toni asks that readers think of her as their own bossy-but-loving Italian auntie, with modern sensibilities and a packed pantry. She's definitely loving and with the wisdom she’s acquired from saying goodbye three times to her own children, she reassuringly holds the readers hand and is encouraging while providing love and laughter along the journey! The Goodbye Year is an inspirational, honest, and hilarious tale of Toni Piccinini's approach to the end of an era in her Italian household. The full title of this, Piccinini's first book is: The Goodbye Year: Wisdom and Culinary Therapy to Survive Your Child's Senior Year of High School (and Reclaim the YOU of You) and I can certainly say the b...

Channeling the Spirit of Professor Harold Hill

Crystal's son Andre in Kindermusik Channeling the Spirit of Professor Harold Hill   - Guest Post & Giveaway with Julia Asel Thomas and her first published book: Loving the Missing Link #LMLThomas I recently saw that The Music Man was going to be on TV, and I simply had to make time to watch it. I love that movie. Now, we all know “Professor” Harold Hill was a con man trying to make a buck by selling band equipment. But in the end, it didn’t matter. What mattered was that he had the passion, charisma and persistence to convince the town that they needed a band to help their children grow up right. In these days of music department budget cuts, I wish I could channel the spirit of that character. Somehow, the message that band is practical, positive and far-reaching for our students has been lost. If I could be Harold Hill for just a day, I would convince budget committees across the country that they would be doing their communities a great disservice by cutting...

Healthier Chocolate Cake Recipe

This one is for my dear friend Ellyn so is looking for a healthier chocolate cake recipe that is easy and fool-proof. Sorry for the lack of photos, but please feel free to submit your own - we would love to see them! Healthier Chocolate Cake Recipe Ingredients: 3 cups whole wheat (unbleached) flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 3 teaspoons cinnamon (I'll be honest, the more the merrier with cinnamon in this house) 3 farm fresh eggs 1 cup applesauce (home made is best and leave it chunky for added moisture) 3 teaspoons vanilla (don't scrimp on vanilla and use the real deal if it's available) 1 1/4 cups agave nectar (or honey - but if using honey you may have to use a bit more) 2 cups grated zucchini (if you have picky eaters you may want to process the zucchini so it is not detected) Chocolate Chips - use your discretion...I say you can never have too much chocolate (especially dark) so throw in the entire bag if you'd lik...

It's All About Perspective

Some of you who know me well will know where this is going right away - others may get a good giggle in the end, but either way you'll get the gist of how important perspective is. I am patiently waiting for our son to arrive. It's one of those situations where the Dr. keeps saying "any day now" and I go home and wonder if it's going to happen in the middle of making supper, giving the dog a bath, picking weeds, feeding calves, or driving to the grocery store. This is a good time to reflect on the births of the older children which brings me to a little story I want to share. Before the birth of my daughter (who is now 6 and officially hates me more of the time than not) I took time off work and stayed at this great place about 45 minutes from home. The staff was fabulous and I am still friends with several of the nicest ladies you'll ever meet. I stayed on the 3rd floor and had plenty of fresh flowers, ice water, clean sheets, fabulous food, and plenty of...