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Showing posts from September, 2019

Now Booking Two Great Book Blog Tours for WOW! Women on Writing

School is back in session and the temperatures here in Wisconsin are dropping - but don't worry... I have exciting new books and blog tours to keep me warm! WOW! Women on Writing is helping promote more wonderful books and we would love to include YOU in these tours! I have the PDF versions and can provide them right away if you'd like to get reading - you won't want to wait! Please contact me today to reserve your copy or copies and participate in one or both of these tours. If you've never participated in a tour, feel free to inquire and I'll be happy to explain how it works - you don't even have to have your own blog! Send an email today to participate - email address: or Be sure to include the following: * The email address you'd like your ebook(s) sent to - or mailing address, but we have a limited number of physical copies. *The name and url for your blog, or a note letting me know you ...