Copied text to clipboard: I'm not quite sure what I did before this milk frother came into my life. I can whip up (literally) a batch of chocolate milk before the children start whining, it works great for scrambled eggs, and I can make coffee shop quality latte's right in my own kitchen. Also works great for mixing protein shakes and greens drinks. Doesn't take up much room on the counter and the batteries seem to last a long time without needing replacing. I love that it comes with batteries - this might just be the perfect gift for the hard to guy for person on your list. #SimpleTasteElectricMilkFrotherOneTouchHandheldBatt
Bring on Lemons is a lemons to lemonade success blog about losing focus and finding a dream! It's also where I share my thoughts, ideas, book reviews, and writerly things as well as product reviews (food & drink too) - ENJOY!!