Nice Comfy Shoulder Straps! |
Some regular readers may know how 'into' babywearing we are at our house right now, but for new readers I'll give you some quick background before getting into our review.

Babywearing has helped me go about my day without purchasing expensive baby monitors or hiring someone to babysit. Breccan is with me from the moment we get up in the morning until bedtime. He now weighs 20lbs so our babywearing has evolved. In the beginning we really liked the stretchy wraps (ie: Moby Wrap, Baby K'Tan, etc...) but now, our absolutely favorites seem to be the ErgoBaby Carriers. The Ergo offers us the flexibility to get things done with the security of straps and buckles that ensure safety and security. I'm going to use bullet points to explain what we love about the Ergo. The first set of bullet points apply to the Original Ergo and then we will use a separate set to talk about the Ergo 360.
The Ergo Baby Organic
**Allows you to wear your baby on your back
**Allows baby to fall asleep comfortably
**Has a hood that can be used to block the wind or support a sleepy head
**Offers 3 comfortable positions (back, side, front facing inward)
**Is washable and durable (it is not soft however)
**Is easily adjustable for different shapes and sizes so can be sized for both parents and/or a caregiver
**Is adjustable while wearing it (you can tighten or loosen most straps safely while wearing baby)
The Ergo Baby Organic is the carrier I wear everyday in the barn. I'm busy carrying 5 gallon buckets, bending, and moving and Breccan is comfortable on my back. He doesn't cry when he is in the Ergo and seems to enjoy being able to see the world around him. He has some mobility for his hands and can explore a bit. It DID take us a few tries to get comfortable with the positioning. Wearing your baby on your back is something most of us need some help with the first time or two. It's not un-safe (if done correctly) but can be a little scary for us moms. Once we got the hang of it, it was a welcome relief! Half way through chores I can feel Breccan as he really relaxes and I know he's falling asleep. I get to keep on working and he stays safely and securely sleeping!
Fast asleep in the milkhouse after chores! (see him in there?) |
The Ergo Baby 360
**Allows you to wear your baby on your back
**Allows baby to fall asleep comfortably
**Has an adjustable body part that can be folded down for forward front carriers or left up for other carriers.
**Offers 4 comfortable positions (back, side, front facing inward AND front facing forward)
**Is washable and durable (it is not soft however)
**Is easily adjustable for different shapes and sizes so can be sized for both parents and/or a caregiver
**Is adjustable while wearing it (you can tighten or loosen most straps safely while wearing baby)
**Has a totally different closure than the Ergo Baby Original - there is a velcro section for added security (although if you're taking this one off in church...people ARE going to notice...oops!)
**Has an adjustable body part so baby's legs are at a comfortable angle for forward facing front.
Overall we are happy with our Ergo Carriers. They are pricey, but I would tell you they are worth the price. You'd pay the same for a quality stroller that separates you from your baby, so why not pay that price for something that will keep you together? There are so many reasons to babywear and depending on your lifestyle, baby's age, and your preferences your time will be well spent to find a carrier that works for you!
Happy babywearing from our family to yours!!!
**This post was not paid for by Ergo and I am in no way affiliated with them. All opinions expressed are solely my own. Products were purchased by our family and we were not reimbursed or paid for any portion of this post or the products discussed in the post.
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