Book Review by Crystal J. Casavant-Otto
Thank you to Jenn Sadai for writing this lovely book Dark Confessions of an Extraordinary, Ordinary Woman as it says on the cover "too many women suffer in silence" and I admire this author for breaking the silence. This isn't your ordinary memoir as it is brutally honest, and I sometimes feel that memoir lacks that no holes barred approach to story telling. I don't feel that other memoirists intentionally exclude details or candy coat things, I just think time softens some of our memories. In Jenn Sadai's case, she was writing this story in her head her entire life. The brutal honesty and attention to detail sets Dark Confessions apart.
If you're trying to decide if you should read Dark Confessions of an Extraordinary, Ordinary Woman, let me put it to you this way:
If a dear friend called and said "I really need to talk to you, can I come cry on your shoulder over coffee?" would you say no? Of course not! You'd throw on the pot of coffee, crab a box of tissues, and you'd be ready with open arms. Your friend would come over, spill their guts, you'd laugh and you'd cry. You'd hug, and you would both walk away from the encounter feeling renewed, more connected than ever, and you'd be empowered because of the time you shared.
That's exactly what happens as you read Dark Confessions. Jenn Sadai lets you into her life. She doesn't dust off the top shelves or get rid of the dust bunnies under the couch either...she lets you see all the dirt and filth. She trusts you to love even her ugly parts. She hopes that her story will inspire you. She allows herself to be authentic with strangers with zero concern about the potential judgment.
Pick up a copy of Dark Confessions. It's available on Amazon in paperback or e-version and you won't regret the few hours it will take you to read cover to cover. I've added Jenn Sadai's other books to my list of books to be read. I admire her spirit and her style and look forward to learning more and being inspired!
Official Book Summary/Description: "Ten years ago I was a drug-addicted, chain-smoking thief who willingly stayed in a physically, emotionally, and mentally abusive relationship for several years longer than I should have."
Too many dark secrets are guarded behind closed doors.
It's time to bust down some doors and make a difference.
Dark Confessions of an Extraordinary, Ordinary Woman is a raw and emotional coming-of-age story. It follows the author from a fearless little girl, to an insecure teenager, to a confident woman who truly knows her worth in this world. The story begins with the author's crazy and reckless rebellion after her parent's divorce. Alcohol, drugs, and petty crimes were the inevitable consequence of a young child being left to her own devices.
After many dangerous and troubling encounters, Jenn tries to redirect her life path in a positive direction before heading off to college, but instead she ends up falling in love with a man who would nearly kill her six years later. Shane, who she believes is the love-of-her-life, has a kind and gentle heart when they first meet. Sadly his views on the world are later darkened by his best friend's suicide and his father's untimely death. Shane turns to hardcore drug use and their once healthy relationship becomes increasingly dark and destructive.
Dark Confessions of an Extraordinary, Ordinary Woman addresses ordinary issues like teenage rebellion, abusive relationships, drug addiction, and depression in an extraordinarily inspiring way.
Amazon Purchase Link: Click Here
Book Details:
Paperback: 112 pages
Publisher: Little Creek Books (February 7, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1939289335
ISBN-13: 978-1939289339
About Author Jenn Sadai: Jenn Sadai’s goal as an author is to use her talents and life experiences to inspire anyone struggling through similar challenges. Her first book, Dark Confessions of an Extraordinary, Ordinary Woman, was released in February of 2014 and delves into the dark consequences of domestic violence, drug use and depression. The personal side of Jenn’s story is a raw and honest account of how her life came crumbling down and the journey she took to put the pieces back together.
Her second book, Dirty Secrets of the World’s Worst Employee, follows Jenn’s crooked career path and the obstacles she faced before discovering her true calling. Her professional journey addresses critical issues such as gender equality, sexual harassment and workplace bullying. Cottage Cheese Thighs is Jenn’s third book in her self-proclaimed “Self-esteem Series.” It tackles the sensitive relationship between our weight and the way we view ourselves.
Jenn Sadai is a proud Canadian, born in Windsor, Ontario, where she resides with her heroic husband, fantastic stepchildren, and two lovable labs. She lives life in the moment and is always willing to try something new. You can reach Jenn through the various social media
links on her website,
And a little bit about today's reviewer:
Crystal is a church musician and secretary, babywearing cloth diapering mama (aka crunchy mama),
business owner, active journaler, writer and blogger, Blog Tour Manager with WOW! Women on Writing, Publicist with Dream of Things Publishing, Press Corp teammate for the DairyGirl Network, Unicorn Mom Ambassador, as well as a dairy farmer. She lives in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin with her husband, four young children (Carmen 9, Andre 8, Breccan 3, and Delphine 1), two dogs, two rabbits, four little piggies, a handful of cats and kittens, and over 230 Holsteins.
You can find Crystal riding unicorns, taking the ordinary and giving it a little extra (making it extraordinary), blogging and reviewing books, baby carriers, cloth diapers, and all sorts of other stuff here, and writing articles at: When she's not doing that, she's baking bread and cookies for her friends and neighbors. She says "the coffee is always hot and you're always welcome here!"
Thank you to Jenn Sadai for writing this lovely book Dark Confessions of an Extraordinary, Ordinary Woman as it says on the cover "too many women suffer in silence" and I admire this author for breaking the silence. This isn't your ordinary memoir as it is brutally honest, and I sometimes feel that memoir lacks that no holes barred approach to story telling. I don't feel that other memoirists intentionally exclude details or candy coat things, I just think time softens some of our memories. In Jenn Sadai's case, she was writing this story in her head her entire life. The brutal honesty and attention to detail sets Dark Confessions apart.
If you're trying to decide if you should read Dark Confessions of an Extraordinary, Ordinary Woman, let me put it to you this way:
If a dear friend called and said "I really need to talk to you, can I come cry on your shoulder over coffee?" would you say no? Of course not! You'd throw on the pot of coffee, crab a box of tissues, and you'd be ready with open arms. Your friend would come over, spill their guts, you'd laugh and you'd cry. You'd hug, and you would both walk away from the encounter feeling renewed, more connected than ever, and you'd be empowered because of the time you shared.
That's exactly what happens as you read Dark Confessions. Jenn Sadai lets you into her life. She doesn't dust off the top shelves or get rid of the dust bunnies under the couch either...she lets you see all the dirt and filth. She trusts you to love even her ugly parts. She hopes that her story will inspire you. She allows herself to be authentic with strangers with zero concern about the potential judgment.
Pick up a copy of Dark Confessions. It's available on Amazon in paperback or e-version and you won't regret the few hours it will take you to read cover to cover. I've added Jenn Sadai's other books to my list of books to be read. I admire her spirit and her style and look forward to learning more and being inspired!
Official Book Summary/Description: "Ten years ago I was a drug-addicted, chain-smoking thief who willingly stayed in a physically, emotionally, and mentally abusive relationship for several years longer than I should have."
Too many dark secrets are guarded behind closed doors.
It's time to bust down some doors and make a difference.
Dark Confessions of an Extraordinary, Ordinary Woman is a raw and emotional coming-of-age story. It follows the author from a fearless little girl, to an insecure teenager, to a confident woman who truly knows her worth in this world. The story begins with the author's crazy and reckless rebellion after her parent's divorce. Alcohol, drugs, and petty crimes were the inevitable consequence of a young child being left to her own devices.
After many dangerous and troubling encounters, Jenn tries to redirect her life path in a positive direction before heading off to college, but instead she ends up falling in love with a man who would nearly kill her six years later. Shane, who she believes is the love-of-her-life, has a kind and gentle heart when they first meet. Sadly his views on the world are later darkened by his best friend's suicide and his father's untimely death. Shane turns to hardcore drug use and their once healthy relationship becomes increasingly dark and destructive.
Dark Confessions of an Extraordinary, Ordinary Woman addresses ordinary issues like teenage rebellion, abusive relationships, drug addiction, and depression in an extraordinarily inspiring way.
Amazon Purchase Link: Click Here
Book Details:
Paperback: 112 pages
Publisher: Little Creek Books (February 7, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1939289335
ISBN-13: 978-1939289339
About Author Jenn Sadai: Jenn Sadai’s goal as an author is to use her talents and life experiences to inspire anyone struggling through similar challenges. Her first book, Dark Confessions of an Extraordinary, Ordinary Woman, was released in February of 2014 and delves into the dark consequences of domestic violence, drug use and depression. The personal side of Jenn’s story is a raw and honest account of how her life came crumbling down and the journey she took to put the pieces back together.
Her second book, Dirty Secrets of the World’s Worst Employee, follows Jenn’s crooked career path and the obstacles she faced before discovering her true calling. Her professional journey addresses critical issues such as gender equality, sexual harassment and workplace bullying. Cottage Cheese Thighs is Jenn’s third book in her self-proclaimed “Self-esteem Series.” It tackles the sensitive relationship between our weight and the way we view ourselves.
Jenn Sadai is a proud Canadian, born in Windsor, Ontario, where she resides with her heroic husband, fantastic stepchildren, and two lovable labs. She lives life in the moment and is always willing to try something new. You can reach Jenn through the various social media
links on her website,
And a little bit about today's reviewer:
Crystal is a church musician and secretary, babywearing cloth diapering mama (aka crunchy mama),
business owner, active journaler, writer and blogger, Blog Tour Manager with WOW! Women on Writing, Publicist with Dream of Things Publishing, Press Corp teammate for the DairyGirl Network, Unicorn Mom Ambassador, as well as a dairy farmer. She lives in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin with her husband, four young children (Carmen 9, Andre 8, Breccan 3, and Delphine 1), two dogs, two rabbits, four little piggies, a handful of cats and kittens, and over 230 Holsteins.
You can find Crystal riding unicorns, taking the ordinary and giving it a little extra (making it extraordinary), blogging and reviewing books, baby carriers, cloth diapers, and all sorts of other stuff here, and writing articles at: When she's not doing that, she's baking bread and cookies for her friends and neighbors. She says "the coffee is always hot and you're always welcome here!"
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