These Sillycutie Kids Mittens are completely adorable as well as being warm and well made. The inside is fuzzy and comfortable and they provide the extra room chubby little hands need to be warm and yet wiggle. I bought two pair of this brand (one in blue for my 2 year old son and one in pink for my daughter for her first birthday) and I was not at all disappointed. They are well worth the money and most people will assume you made them yourself! Absolutely a great find!
I would say they will fit from 1-4 year olds. (#kidsglove)
I received one pair at a discounted price in exchange for my honest review (and they were so cute, I paid full price and picked up the second pair) - Mine were purchased via Amazon.
Crystal is a church musician, babywearing mama (aka crunchy mama), business owner, active journaler, writer and blogger, Blog Tour Manager with WOW! Women on Writing, Publicist with Dream of Things Publishing, as well as a dairy farmer. She lives in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin with her husband, four young children (Carmen 8, Andre 7, Breccan 2, and Delphine 11 months), two dogs, two rabbits, four little piggies, a handful of cats and kittens, and over 230 Holsteins.
You can find Crystal riding unicorns, blogging and reviewing books, baby carriers, cloth diapers, and all sorts of other stuff at: and here:
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