The clip easily attached to the MAM brand pacifier I used to demo it, and this style clip should work with most pacifiers. The only brand
I'm not sure about is the Phillips Avent but I'm pretty sure you could make it work by threading it through the little hole. These are well made and the design makes them very appealing as a gift for yourself and your little one, or a great shower gift for a friend or loved one.
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I received this product at a reduced rate in exchange for my honest review; the thoughts and opinions expressed are solely my own.
Crystal is a church musician, babywearing mama (aka crunchy mama), business owner, active journaler, writer and blogger, Blog Tour Manager with WOW! Women on Writing, Publicist with Dream of Things Publishing, as well as a dairy farmer. She lives in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin with her husband, four young children (Carmen 9, Andre 7, Breccan 2, and Delphine 1), two dogs, two rabbits, four little piggies, a handful of cats and kittens, and over 230 Holsteins.
You can find Crystal riding unicorns, taking the ordinary and giving it a little extra (making it extraordinary), blogging and reviewing books, baby carriers, cloth diapers, and all sorts of other stuff at: and here:
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