As you know, this blog started and still remains a forum for posting about life's lemons and how best to turn them into lemonade and embrace the beauty that is life. However, I receive more and more requests for product review. It is my absolute pleasure to try new products and tell you about them. It is also my pleasure to read books and share my thoughts. Well today, pun intended, I have a lemon of a product review to share with you. The product itself is actually quite cute and well made, so it's worth at least 4 stars on Amazon...BUT...holy buckets is this NOT a good look for me. These pictures say it best...
And here's my actual product review: The glasses are well made. There aren't many places where things could go wrong. No tiny nose pieces to get tangled in your hair and end up out of shape, no delicate gems, beads, or other embellishments, etc... These glasses will last a good long time and stand up to everyday wear. They deserve 4 stars, and if I looked cute in them I'd give them 5. I really wanted to like these...I tried them on several different times with different makeup, different hair, different lighting, and still I look like I'm headed to a 3D movie at the theater (bring on the popcorn and large diet coke please). I posted my pictures on social media in hopes someone might say, wow are those trendy looking on you...but in the end, these glasses are not for me. My lovely friend Jessica is going to rock these and she's excited to receive them in her stocking this year. Thanks but no thanks...
Product URL
I received this product at a reduced rate in exchange for my brutally honest review.
Crystal is a church musician, babywearing mama (aka crunchy mama), business owner, active journaler, writer and blogger, Blog Tour Manager with WOW! Women on Writing, Publicist with Dream of Things Publishing, as well as a dairy farmer. She lives in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin with her husband, four young children (Carmen 9, Andre 7, Breccan 2, and Delphine 1), two dogs, two rabbits, four little piggies, a handful of cats and kittens, and over 230 Holsteins.
You can find Crystal riding unicorns, blogging and reviewing books, baby carriers, cloth diapers, and all sorts of other stuff at: and here:
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