I'm not complaining by any means. I make time for the things that matter as I'm sure you do too. My nails are a mess, but my kids had the right treats and their Valentine's yesterday were spot on! I forgot my fresh veggies in the fridge at home, but the permission slips are signed, the clothes are washed, and we woke up with giggles, cuddles, and laughter (except the teens - but they've got gas $, cheese crackers, and energy drinks...if you have teens, you understand). My hubby woke up to a clean house and a fresh pot of coffee. My mother will soon have her fresh from the oven pasties. The people that matter are well cared for and it doesn't really matter that I didn't get the filing done. There's also that closet I've been meaning to organize for...well...forever...
Let's talk about that. We make time for the things that matter. The people that matter. Right?
You're nodding your head in agreement aren't you? We make time to call and check in on our friends. We make time to care for our families. We make time to volunteer.
What's missing in this article so far?
It's the same thing that I'm missing in my life. Maybe you have the same problem I do. I'm saying this for both of us:
I know that and you do too - but yet we put ourselves at the end of the list. For me, I haven't exercised in 3 days. It brings me joy and yet I push it to the end of the list. I wish I had a solution for us. Keep putting things that bring you joy on your daily list. Keep reminding yourself that you matter. Try to remember that if you're on a plane and the oxygen masks drop down, you should put the mask on yourself first and then tend to the children.
I'll be over here trying to fill my cup so I can pour it out...
Feel free to comment with your thoughts, ideas, struggles, and triumphs.
Remember I love you!
I love this! Self care is so important and so easy to neglect. Even small things help, like for me, taking time to journal or write or play a quick game for a mental break on my phone or something, all help. I figure, there's a reason they tell you to put your oxygen mask on first if you are ever in a plane emergency.