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Showing posts from February, 2025

Serenity Saturday #7 - 2025 (2-15-2025)

   Such a storm..."don't leave home" ... We had a slow start, a big breakfast, and the plan was to stay in jammies all day long. Until the teenage boy called asking for a ride to work. So much for that! "Get dressed you guys" "we don't want to" "me either - but since I have to, you do too. Might as well take ourselves out for dinner too" "really mom?" "yes - really" "where are we eating?" "As long as we are taking Andre to the Waterfront Wine Bar, we may as well eat there. I love their wine and I could go for some prime rib" "count me in!" (the first thing the children agreed on ALL day!) We spent a cozy evening in my favorite restaurant enjoying all of the amazing Valentine things without the crowd. I fully expected to spend the day at home reading and catching up on work. This was WAY better!  Today's post was penned by Crystal J. Casavant with the help of her deep forehead wrin...

Fit Friday #7 - 2025 Happy Valentine's Day (2/14/2025)

  If you read yesterday's post, you know I was a little befuddled when it comes to Valentine's Day this year. In past years, the gifts on the table were definitely chosen by mom, but the kids were always led to believe they were from mom and dad or sometimes just dad. Mom would pretend along with the kids to be completely surprised by all the sweet things.  I wasn't going to do anything. I really wasn't - but I couldn't help myself. I woke up Valentine's Morning and looked at the empty table and missed my Daddy oh so much and longed for that feeling again. You know the one, the warm fuzzy feeling you get when you feel loved unconditionally. The feeling you get when you know someone loves you with a sacrificial deep love that transcends everything!  I put sweet little gifts by everyone's spot at the table - even my own. There were cards and love notes and no mention of who provided the magic. It was simply there and everyone enjoyed exploring their gifts and ...

Thoughtful Thursday #7 - 2025 The Big V-Day Dilemma (2/13/2025)

Well, tomorrow is the big day. I know I know...Hallmark Holiday and such. I bought the Valentine's for school, filled out the cards, made the snacks, filled the candy jars, and now I have to decide what to do at home. Carmen's gift will arrive and since she opens all my packages any way (like a good teen daughter always does) it will work out beautifully and I ordered exactly what she wanted from Ulta so I know she'll be happy. I'll give Andre some money to take his sweetie out, so that's not a problem. But what about the table? The table? You ask... Well - for as long as I can remember my Dad would place my Valentine gifts on the table so I could wake up and feel special Valentine's morning. It's a tradition I continued long after he went to Heaven to be with Jesus. This is the first year it's just me and the kids though. This sounds trivial, but all the years I was married I'd still put gifts on the table and usually just skip myself in hopes that ...

Wordy Wednesday #7 - 2025 5 Star Book Review for Barbara Barth's Sleeping with Dogs (2/12/2025)

    About the Book:   A poetic memoir on living with and loving rescue dogs.  Barth started adopting dogs to heal after the loss of her husband in 2008. In nine months, she went from one dog to six, all older dogs needing love as much as she did. From larger dogs to downsizing to Chihuahuas over the years, always five to six dogs sleeping in her bed. Each dog with a unique set of quirks but finding its place in the pack. Barth has captured the essence of their personalities in her poems. Sadly, dogs leave us too soon. Barth believes in honoring a lost dog by adopting another, giving it a safe-haven.  Meet a few of the pups. Queen Chloe, the first Chihuahua who ruled the larger dogs in her leopard print dress. Annabelle, the grumpy, pudgy cocker mix. Dumb and Dumber, the bonded father and son Chihuahuas who quibble then make up. Carmella from Animal Control who doesn't like other dogs. And the PS as of publishing this, Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, a two-year ...

Temptation Tuesday #6 - 2025 Take Your Family to Harborside in Manitowoc - 5 Stars! (2/11/2025)

  I saw this advertisement on Facebook and I was drawn to head downtown Manitowoc to one of my all time favorite restaurants! We were greeted warmly by the lovely Shannon and had a most relaxing and enjoyable evening! The food at Harborside is absolutely wonderful, the portions are ridiculously large (don't let your 11 year old son get the adult size burger...even my little manchild can't finish that bad boy)! The salads are delicious, the desserts are sure to please, and the drink menu is never boring. One of my youngest daughters swears by the bacon wrapped shrimp - and she's right - best appetizer in the world! All around this is a 5 star dining experience in Manitowoc - friendly staff, comfortable and clean establishment, and fantastic food! This is the type of restaurant you can go to as a family, or you can get a sitter and make it romantical ... I took the kiddos and as always, they were welcomed with open arms (and a lovely gent even treated them to a dessert becaus...

Motivation Monday #6 - 2025 Finding Something Fun (2/10/2025)

  I was recently told about snow shoeing - and what a great way to get in a workout without feeling like you're working out! Did you know if you truly enjoy your aerobic exercise you're more likely to stick with it? If you've never experienced show shoeing give it a try. You probably have a friend or relative who has the gear, or you can rent equipment. Check out the parks near you and see what's available! You're welcome!  Today's post was penned by Crystal J. Casavant Crystal Casavant writes. Everything. If you follow her blog you have likely laid eyes on every thought she has ever had. Her debut novel, It Was Never About Me, Was It?  is still a work in progress and shall be fully worthy sometime in 2025. She has written for WOW! Women on Writing , Bring on Lemons , and has been featured in several magazines and ezines relating to credit and collections as well as religious collections for confessional Lutherans. She runs a busy household full of intellig...

Soliloquy Sunday #6 - 2025 Deep Sunday Thoughts About What Really Makes a Memory (2/9/2025)

  Deep Sunday Thoughts about What Really Makes a Memory! This is what happened at our house yesterday - it didn't cost much more than a trip to the grocery store but hopefully it's a priceless memory! We like to do this thing on Slow Saturdays (usually the only day we aren’t rushing) and we call it Big Breakfast. Everyone places their order the night before and we make every single thing! Some mornings there’s pancakes and French toast, eggs 2-3 different ways, oatmeal, potatoes AND bacon. It’s very seldom everyone agrees, but when the food is ready we sit down like you would on thanksgiving and relax, talk, share funny stories, etc… sometimes it takes hours before we start cleaning up the kitchen. It’s one of my absolutely favorite traditions and one I hope they always remember! Todays Big Breakfast: Milk Apple cider Pineapple orange juice Coffee Buttermilk biscuits Cinnamon rolls w/frosting Scrambled eggs Over easy eggs Well done bacon Barely done bacon Seasoned baby red fry ...

Serenity Saturday #6 - 2025 The Serenity of a Snow Day (2/8/2025)

  I don't think this picture needs much of a story. We took a snow day and enjoyed extra snuggles on the couch, naps and laughter, walks on the beach, and mom didn't have to drive on the slippery roads! Call it a win!  Today's post was penned by Crystal J. Casavant Crystal Casavant writes. Everything. If you follow her blog you have likely laid eyes on every thought she has ever had. Her debut novel, It Was Never About Me, Was It?  is still a work in progress and shall be fully worthy sometime in 2025. She has written for WOW! Women on Writing , Bring on Lemons , and has been featured in several magazines and ezines relating to credit and collections as well as religious collections for confessional Lutherans. She runs a busy household full of intelligent, recalcitrant, and delightful humans who give her breath and keep her heart beating day after day.  Crystal wears many hats (and not just the one in this photo) and fully believes in being in the moment and doi...

Fit Friday #6 - 2025 Fit with Friends and Family

  So - it's been a rough week here. The Y was closed for a few days, and I had sick kiddos at home, so I haven't followed my schedule as well as I should have. But... guess what? I'm headed to the YMCA shortly and I'm meeting a friend who also happens to be my daughter (who is turning 18 soon). Instead of simply going shopping and out for lunch because we both have a free afternoon, we are meeting at the Y. Our plan is to meet in the lobby, walk a bit on the treadmills, then hit the weight room. I'm sharing this because involving your friends and family in your fitness journey can be fun and functional too! I'm not going to miss an opportunity to chat with my lovely daughter so even if I feel more like laying on the couch than working out, I'm going to go! Find yourself a friend or family member and meet up at the gym! Come back and tell us how it's going! xoxox Today's post was penned by Crystal J. Casavant Crystal Casavant writes. Everything. I...

Thoughtful Thursday #6 - 2025 5 Star Product Review for Frownies

  Nothing happening here at all... lol Actually, there's a lot happening! Even though I applied them incorrectly the first time (shown above), I LOVE Frownies! Check out there website for all the details: I strongly urge you to watch a few videos FIRST but once you get the hang of these little beauties, you'll wake up with fewer wrinkles! (as a side note, I'm not sure why my mouth looks funny - I have not had a stroke - I must have been thinking something odd when I took this selfie) I'm going to use these for 6 months and report back on how my deep forehead wrinkle is doing. His name is Charles by the way... and I'd like him to go away! Today's post was penned by Crystal J. Casavant with the help of her deep forehead wrinkle, Charles. Crystal Casavant writes. Everything. If you follow her blog you have likely laid eyes on every thought she has ever had. Her debut novel, It Was Never About Me, Was It?  is still a work in progress a...

Wordy Wednesday #6 - 2025 Anxiety Loves Psalm 23

  Sitting at my kitchen table listening to the latest Christian music on Apple Music and this song came through my earbuds. I see my counselor every few weeks and start my day with some anti-anxiety meds. I worry about everything. I know it's sinful. I know God is in control. However I blame myself for everything from global warming, the declining sea turtle population, my daughter's anger issues, my thinning hair, and everything in between. I want to take a moment to give this song 5 stars before I go onto my goofy ramblings. Listen to it! Like it! Add it to your play list!  Yes -  you heard that right. When I say "I'm sorry" ten thousand times a day, they aren't just words. I truly feel responsible for every bad thing that happens from here to the far reaches of the galaxy. I smoked for a bit in highschool which is why I'm short (mom said), I have sensitive teeth and can only drink through a straw which is why the sea turtles and manatee are struggling...

Temptation Tuesday #5 - 2025 Green Pepper Spread (recipe by Carol Schwantes)

  Green Pepper Spread  – recipe by Carol Schwantes   Ingredients:  2 green peppers (chopped fine)  1 onion (chopped fine)  2 teaspoons oil  3 Tablespoons sugar  1 teaspoon lemon juice  8 oz cream cheese (softened)  Instructions:   Add the first 5 ingredients and marinate overnight.  Drain well.  Add the softened cream cheese.  Spread on crackers – enjoy! (also great on a bagel) Today's post was penned by Crystal J. Casavant but recipe credit goes to the amazing Carol! Crystal Casavant writes. Everything. If you follow her blog you have likely laid eyes on every thought she has ever had. Her debut novel, It Was Never About Me, Was It?  is still a work in progress and shall be fully worthy sometime in 2025. She has written for WOW! Women on Writing , Bring on Lemons , and has been featured in several magazines and ezines relating to credit and collections as well as religious collections for confessional Lu...

Soliloquy Sunday #5 - 2025 Find a New Book!

  Remember the smartest people still have problems in relationships.   Maybe you closed a chapter.        Maybe you closed a book.                            Maybe in the grand scheme of life, this was a book you started reading and it sucked but                          you tried your best to finish it anyway and it finally fell into the sink full of soapy water and                          now it's ruined and you're secretly relieved you don't have to read it and you hope it's no                     longer in print because if it shows up at your door (thanks Amazon) you'd be right back to                 ...

Serenity Saturday #5 - Villa Lala Boutique

 So - I feel like a place like this could absolutely provide any of us with serenity. Who else agrees? Vila Lala Boutique Hotel I came across their information while scrolling facebook and I'm 110% intrigued. In the next year I feel I might be ready for a mom get away and I'm nervous but I think once I get somewhere like this I'll forget all my worries.  Has anyone done anything similar? Ideas? Better places? Today's post was penned by Crystal J. Casavant Crystal Casavant writes. Everything. If you follow her blog you have likely laid eyes on every thought she has ever had. Her debut novel, It Was Never About Me, Was It?  is still a work in progress and shall be fully worthy sometime in 2025. She has written for WOW! Women on Writing , Bring on Lemons , and has been featured in several magazines and ezines relating to credit and collections as well as religious collections for confessional Lutherans. She runs a busy household full of intelligent, recalcitrant, and d...

Motivation Monday #5 - 2025 4 Pounds Down! Yay!!

 This is not rocket science - we all know what we need to do to lose weight. I'm a geek so I know it's math: burn more calories than you consume and you'll lose weight. Eat less, exercise more, drink more water, smaller portions, blah blah blah. Just because I know how to do something doesn't mean I'm putting it into practice on the daily. If you say, "hey girl wanna grab a coffee and a pastry?" I'm gonna say yes when I know I should be saying "why don't we meet at the Y and work out together instead?"  I made a few slight changes this week, made some mindful choices, and 4 pounds came off. Now, instead of buying a cheesecake to celebrate my small victory, I'm going to work hard to do the same thing this week. 28 days to make a habit and I need to get into some better for my health habits. How about you? Where are you at with your motivation? your mindset? your wellness? Today's post was penned by Crystal J. Casavant Crystal Ca...