Barth started adopting dogs to heal after the loss of her husband in 2008. In nine months, she went from one dog to six, all older dogs needing love as much as she did. From larger dogs to downsizing to Chihuahuas over the years, always five to six dogs sleeping in her bed. Each dog with a unique set of quirks but finding its place in the pack. Barth has captured the essence of their personalities in her poems. Sadly, dogs leave us too soon. Barth believes in honoring a lost dog by adopting another, giving it a safe-haven.
Meet a few of the pups. Queen Chloe, the first Chihuahua who ruled the larger dogs in her leopard print dress. Annabelle, the grumpy, pudgy cocker mix. Dumb and Dumber, the bonded father and son Chihuahuas who quibble then make up. Carmella from Animal Control who doesn't like other dogs. And the PS as of publishing this, Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, a two-year old Chihuahua mix that wants to play in a house full of seniors.
Barth has been writing for as many years as adopting her canines. Known as Writer With Dogs, her works range from memoir and fiction to publishing and editing several anthologies with other authors. You can be certain, whatever she writes, there are dogs in her stories.
This is Barth's first collection of poems. A chapbook of second chances.
Barbara Barth turned to writing and adopting dogs to heal after the loss of her husband in 2008. Known as Writer With Dogs over the years, she now calls herself Chihuahua Mama and lives with six demanding Chihuahuas in a charming small town forty miles from Atlanta. She is Literary Arts Chair on the Board of her local art center. Inspired by the many talented artists she meets Barth started painting. Her whimsical style embraces ladies, gardens, critters, and of course cats and dogs.
ISBN-13: 979-8988575061
Print Length: 37 pages
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About the Author, Barbara Barth
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***** 5 Star Review by Crystal Casavant *****
Barbara Barth is one of my favorite authors and she is an amazing human being with the kindest heart. I absolutely enjoyed this book and smiled may way from cover to cover. Whether you are an animal lover, know an animal lover, have known love of any kind, or believe in love - this is the book for you! 5 stars - ENJOY!
Crystal Casavant writes. Everything. If you follow her blog you have likely laid eyes on every thought she has ever had. Her debut novel, It Was Never About Me, Was It? is still a work in progress and shall be fully worthy sometime in 2025. She has written for WOW! Women on Writing, Bring on Lemons, and has been featured in several magazines and ezines relating to credit and collections as well as religious collections for confessional Lutherans. She runs a busy household full of intelligent, recalcitrant, and delightful humans who give her breath and keep her heart beating day after day.
Crystal wears many hats (and not just the one in this photo) and fully believes in being in the moment and doing everything she can to improve the lives of those around her! The world may never know her name, but she prays that because of her, someone may smile a little brighter. She prides herself on doing nice things - yes, even for strangers!
May your paths be abundantly filled with lemons, sugar, sunshine, and may you always remember the world is a better place with you in it and it's always a great time for a great book and a snuggly pet!
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