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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Saving Gracie Book Review

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

Nancy DeMarco is a talented storyteller and Saving Gracie is a book you won’t want to set down. As I was reading, I couldn’t help but think back to summer camp. We would sit around a campfire and tell stories until our eyelids were beyond heavy. There was always that one girl in the group who could tell a story in such a way your mouth was gaping open and you found yourself leaning in so you wouldn’t miss a single word. Nancy DeMarco is that girl for me. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough and I didn’t want to go to sleep until I had finished Saving Gracie. DeMarco has a storytelling gift and I am thankful she decided to share that gift with the world. I am excited to read her other works and hope she is already working on her next story!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

A Curcumin That Kicks In & Kicks Pain Right Away!

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

After trying several different Curcumin pills - I finally found one that works right away and gets rid of joint pain FAST! You'll have to try it for yourself, but believe me, Pure Body Naturals #1 Pure Turmeric Curcumin made an immediate difference in my life!

I've had joint pain for the last year and have been trying different curcumin products to try to lead an active lifestyle. Some products made a difference after a few days and others seemed like they didn't work at all. This was not the case with Pure Body Naturals - the very first day I felt more comfortable and was able to start doing the activities I enjoy. This is definitely a powerful anti-inflammatory and I really appreciate that it's made with all natural non-GMO ingredients. Thanks Pure Body Naturals!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Elizabeth Maria Naranjo Schedules Her WOW! Women on Writing Blog Tour for The Fourth Wall – a Light Fantasy with a Paranormal Edge

Elizabeth Maria Naranjo Schedules Her WOW! Women on Writing Blog Tour for The Fourth Wall – a Light Fantasy with a Paranormal Edge

**Spots will be filling quickly – her tour begins July 21st 2014. If you would like to host Elizabeth on your blog between July 21st and September 1st, please RSVP by emailing:

The Fourth Wall is about a young girl named Marin who loses her mother, and in her grief, she begins to withdraw. She is a lucid dreamer, someone who is aware of when she is dreaming and can use this awareness to create her own dreamworlds. Marin creates a world where her memories can't follow her and she can leave her grief behind.

When she begins to heal, she realizes she can no longer control her dream, and it turns to a nightmare. Now Marin has to find out how to escape a dream that doesn't want her to wake up.

The book is dark in tone and the lucid dreaming gives it a light fantasy/paranormal edge. Electronic copies will be available by the end of May early June for those who are interested in reviewing The Fourth Wall.

Paperback:  235 Pages

Publisher:  WiDo Publishing (June 10, 2014)

ISBN:  193717851X

Twitter hashtag: #TFWall

The Fourth Wall will be available as an e- book at 

Book Giveaway Contest:
Feel free to run a giveaway for your readers. Each blog stop will have an electronic copy of 
The Fourth Wall, available for a giveaway.

About the Author:

Elizabeth grew up writing short stories and bad poetry before escaping the cold winters of Wyoming and settling in the Sonoran Desert. She lives in Tempe, Arizona with her husband and two children, Abigail (11) and Gabriel (6). She still loves to write, but fortunately gave up on poetry. The Fourth Wall is her first novel.

Elizabeth’s creative nonfiction has appeared in Brain, ChildPhoenix New TimesLiterary Mama, and is forthcoming in Brevity. Elizabeth is also an award-winning fiction writer; her short stories have been published in The Portland ReviewHospital DriveSLAB Literary Magazine, andBartleby Snopes. 
Links to her work and information on classes/critiques can be found at

Elizabeth on Twitter:

Topics available for guest posts:
A. Writing process
B. Lucid dreaming
C. Benefits of a small press
D. Editing process
E. Interesting facts about Elizabeth 
F. The advantage of the first novel (because it's easier when you don't know what you're doing)
G. Cultivating a love of reading in our children

H. Elizabeth’s top 3 favorite movies on lucid dreaming

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

100% PURE Raspberry Ketones Review

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

I'm in love with a new product - check out 100% PURE Raspberry Ketones! 

This natural weight loss and fat burning product is the perfect all-natural addition to a healthy lifestyle. I love there are no side effects or fillers, and the pills are easy to swallow. When you open the bottle you'll smell nothing but raspberries which is really a big deal to me. The smell of other pills has been enough to turn me off and make me unable to take them. That is certainly not the case with Pure Body Naturals Raspberry Ketone. I noticed a difference by the second day and wasn't as hungry. This helped me succeed with my weight loss goals. Thanks Pure Body Naturals!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Even Glow Serum - An At Home Solution For More Youthful Looking Skin!

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

Even Glow Serum is different than other Vitamin C serums I have tried. It has a silky smooth texture, fresh scent, and it acts almost like a primer - when you put your moisturizer and make-up on you'll find yourself using less of those products because Even Glow has already begun making your face more smooth and youthful. Just a few drops a day give your skin a more youthful appearance and more supple feel!
Even Glow is an at home solution for more youthful looking skin and it can work right into your existing beauty routine (right between washing and moisturizing or if you use a toner, between toner and moisturizer). You'll love the look and feel of your new Even Glow complexion!

I'm completely hooked on this product and I'm sure you'll love it too! Pick up your bottle today:

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Introducing a Baby Loving Group to the Lakeshore!

I am excited to say we will have a new group on the Lakeshore (Manitowoc County Wisconsin). Please take a moment to "like" Lakeshore Baby Love on Facebook and check out our upcoming meetings and events. The Vision of the group is:

Lakeshore Baby Love is committed to providing love and support.

We support one another in our words and actions.

We do not judge one another or others.

We will offer our ears to listen, our hearts to love, and our arms to embrace.

We recognize it is our love of babies that unites us.

We will concentrate on what we have in common and not what separates us.

Lakeshore Baby Love is committed to loving babies and loving one another.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Book Two of the Jupiter Chronicles is Coming May 15th!!!

April 18th Can’t Come Soon Enough!!!
What’s happening May 15th you ask?
Book Two in a Children's Steampunk Series Takes Flight!
The Ice Orphan of Ganymede Sets the Course for The Jupiter Chronicles

Here’s the Scoop:
Nashville, Feb 3, 2014/Leonardoverse/- Ian is dying and no doctor on Earth can save him.
The war has been won, the Jovians are free of the tyranny of Phobos, but the planet now
lies in ruins. The Sinu and the Fiegan Firelords are threatening a civil war and the people
of Jupiter are going hungry. First Petros has failed as their protector and General Ardor
wants him replaced. To make matters worse, the Castillos face a new challenge. Ian is
sick and no doctor on Earth can help him. When Ian and Callie return to Jupiter to find a
cure, they discover that the secret may be found in the Book of Ganymede.

But now, the book is missing.

Left with no answers they are forced to face a painful truth.

Ian is dying.

"The Jupiter Chronicles: The Ice Orphan of Ganymede" is book two in a Children's
Steampunk series releasing May 15th, 2014.

I absolutely loved the first book in the series and you can read my full review here:

As for this second book – you may have to wait a few more days, but I’ve already had the pleasure of reading it!
You’ll love book number two even if you have not had the pleasure of reading book number one.  Ramirez starts the book off with a flash back to catch you up or bring you back (it’s helpful if you’re forgetful or haven’t read book number one).  The only way for Ian to get better is another trip to Jupiter. Since the first journey was so exciting, it’s expected the second journey will be just as amazing or even more so. My daughter loved the suspense and her curiosity was apparent (she didn’t want to put the book down).  Mark your calendars for May 15th and head over to Amazon to purchase your own copy for a small price of $0.99 for Kindle or $5.39 in paperback.

About Leonardoverse

Leonardo Ramirez is the author of Children's Steampunk and Young Adult Fantasy. His
website is called "Science Fiction for the Human Condition".

Eisner-Award Winning Artist, Dave Dorman (Star Wars, Batman, Aliens) provides the
cover art.
Leonardo Ramirez

Product Review - ADOVIA Mineral Skin Care Purifying Mud Mask (with Pure Dead Sea Mud, Aloe Vera and Vitamin C)

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

ADOVIA's mud mask is formulated with Dead Sea Black Mud, Beeswax and lots of natural moisturizers including Jojoba Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, and Olive Oil. I followed the directions and applied a think layer onto my clean skin. I waited 15 minutes (the directions say 10-20) and enjoyed a glass of wine while the mask dried. Then I rinsed it off with lukewarm water. I might have liked the results a bit better if I followed the mask with ADOVIA's products, but instead I used my regular toner and moisturizer, but my skin still felt a little more hydrated than usual.

There were many things I liked about this mask and it was different than what I have
used in the past:

1) it dried without feeling tight or uncomfortable

2) it was easy to get off with the lukewarm water and a cloth

3) there was no perfumey odor or smell at all - it was very natural

4) it was not greasy but went on smooth

5) a little bit goes a long way so the 5.1 fl oz bottle will last quite a long time

I love that ADOVIA's products are mineral based and I'm looking forward to trying
other products they have to offer!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Book Review – The Jupiter Chronicles: The Secret of the Great Red Spot by Leonardo Ramirez

Book Review –
Review by Crystal J. Casavant-Otto

My thoughts:
I recently had the pleasure of reviewing something totally new to me. I was
completely unaware of exactly what steampunk was and I can’t remember back to what books were important to me in third grade. When I was approached by Leonardo Ramirez and asked if I would like to read and review a steampunk book geared toward third graders I sort of hesitated. I wasn’t sure if it would interest me and my oldest is in first grade so I knew very little about third graders. Nonetheless I agreed and boy am I glad I did!

I read The Jupiter Chronicle: The Secret of the Great Red Spot with my daughter (the first grader who is seven years old). We enjoyed the family values that were evident throughout the story. There was the very real issue of an absent parent, and I absolutely love the role of prayer in the story. There was a smidge of action or as some may define “violence” through the adventure, but nothing horrific or scary. The characters were well written and the story kept our interest. This is a book I would recommend this chapter book to other parents with children aged 7-11 and we are eagerly awaiting the next book in the series.

Here’s the official book summary:
~Book One of a Steampunk Children's Series ~ 

It is the year 1892 and Ian and Callie Castillo have had to suffer the hardships of a single parent family since their father went missing five years ago. Since then Ian has refused to use the last gift that his father left the wounded boy; a telescope that sits collecting dust in the attic.

When Callie decides to peer through its murky lens it activates the device and sends the Castillos to the steam-powered floating cities of Jupiter to rescue their father and save the Jovians before the Martians launch their attack.

What follows is the beginning of an era that will forever be known by its strange name...Steampunk.

About the Author:
Science Fiction for the Human Condition

Author Leonardo Ramirez goes by Lenny and Lenny’s  work includes a graphic novel titled, "Haven" as well as the Steampunk Children's series, "The Jupiter Chronicles" and the upcoming prose novel, Haven of Dante published through his newly created self-publishing entity, Leonardoverse.

"My heart and motive have always been for people who are hurting. These can be kids who have had to suffer through child abuse or neglect or an absent parent which can be equally torturous as was the case in The Jupiter Chronicles. It can also be young girls who have suffered an assault like Haven did in Haven of Dante. Young or old it doesn't matter. Those are the kids and adults I want to speak to because I've been there."

It's not just Science Fiction.

It's Science Fiction for the Human Condition
For "Haven", it was to encourage those who had experienced the horror of an assault to make good choices for themselves. That theme will be expounded upon in the prose novel, Haven of Dante.

In "Jupiter Chronicles", it's to help identify with kids who have grown up without a dad like I did. That's reality meeting the written word in an effort to learn something about ourselves and how we deal with life. It's obviously not a new concept but it is a just cause to push forward on.

Coming soon!

Haven of Dante: The Staff of Moshe
Seventeen-year-old Haven Irena comes from a dysfunctional family where the absence of her workaholic father is filled by a loving mother with a mysterious past. A past that ties the Dante family to the inherited task of fighting the nine circles of hell. Calling themselves "The Aristocracy," the nine circles have infiltrated our society at every level and the only ones who have stood against their evil plans are members of the Dante family line.
This time, it's Haven's turn.

Combining Literary fiction with Fantasy, this action-packed young adult adventure races through worlds of paranormal and Science Fiction with a supernatural Matrix-style feel all its own.

Thanks so much for stopping by. Please stop by Lenny's website at and sign up for the blog.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Shared Post - Carly Woods shares: "4 Overnight Beauty Products You Should be Using"

4 Overnight Beauty Products You Should be Using

by Expert CarlyWoods 
When it comes to beauty sleep, I think we generally fall into two categories; those who have managed 8 hours of sleep a night and those who haven’t. For the ones who haven’t, they consequently have to do a darn good job faking it.

So, why does this happen? Simply put, sleep is an essential component to an effective skin care regimen, a time when our skin heals and repairs itself. Therefore, if you’re not getting enough sleep, your skin may start to suffer.

If you need help utilizing the small number of hours you do get or you want to ensure you are stretching your 8 hours as far as they can go, you need the right tools. There are specific night time products that can work in harmony with your skin’s renewal process. More than not, these products will be heavier and thicker consistencies. For this reason, washing your face in the morning is equally as important as washing it at night – you need to remove these heavy products or your skin may become congested.

Shop Facial Resurrection Serum on HSN1. Begin With The Base

First, I always recommend using a serum. Facial serums are used to address specific problems such as wrinkles, aging and brightness. Apply a few drops to clean skin and using your hands press the serum into your skin.

2. Add The Primer

Especially in the colder months, you want to follow step one with a layer of oil for added hydration. Plus, you will wake up with beautiful and plump skin.

3. Don’t Forget To Moisturize!

Lastly, simply apply a moisturizer.  My advice is to opt for a comforting and hydrating formula. I like to see it as a blanket; keeping in the goodness of the serum and oil.

4. Last But Not Least - Give Your Eyes Some Love

Don’t forget an eye cream! Try to use a powerful wrinkle reducing formula. Make sure you always use a very tiny amount; overloading the skin around your eyes with too much of a heavy product can cause puffiness and sometimes breakouts.

Shop Skin Tightening Cream on HSNFor extra credit...

On days when you have little to no time or just want to fall into bed, try an overnight facial. Now this doesn’t mean you have to lie still with your face up to ensure you don’t cover your pillow in product. You can use facial creams that are highly concentrated and you use like a serum or moisturiser for a powerful whack of goodness.

Also don’t forget to check out the top skincare picks, picked by you on the Customer Picks page. Sleep tight!

What would your face say about your current night time routine?


Previously Loved Treasures - Launching April 28th & 29th "Get the Scoop Here First!"

A lonely widow and a young woman trying to rebuild her life discover a family connection and a run-down second hand store where the clairvoyant owner anticipates every need. When a pocket watch is stolen, he warns of the danger ahead, but will the young woman listen and heed his advice?

Read excerpt here:

Author bio:

Information on other books by the lovely and talented Bette Lee Crosby:

Book Review – Previously Loved Treasures by Bette Lee Crosby
Review by Crystal J. Casavant-Otto

Bette Lee Crosby is one of my favorite authors. She writes books you’ll want to share with friends and each book is filled with characters that fill your heart and leave you wanting more. Bette has a new book set for release in April 2014 and you’ll want to add it to your TBR (to be read) pile as soon as possible. There is no question Previously Loved Treasures is a five star story!

The twists and turns in Previously Loved Treasures ensure you won’t want to put it down. There’s a little something for everyone in this particular story. There’s drama, longing, romance, mystery, deceit, and a little bit of magic! Each character is written in true Crosby style. You feel you’ve known them your entire life and they stay with you long after you’ve closed the cover and placed the book back on the shelf.

Crosby has a way of engaging readers from cover to cover. There has never been a point I have thought ‘get to the point already’ and I find the time passing quickly as I am unable to put the book down. Previously Loved Treasures is no exception. My only complaint is I finished the book too quickly and can only hope there will be a sequel so I can continue my journey of friendship with the delightful characters I have grown to love.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Product Review - ErgoBaby Carriers

Nice Comfy Shoulder Straps!

Some regular readers may know how 'into' babywearing we are at our house right now, but for new readers I'll give you some quick background before getting into our review.

I babywear out of necessity. We own a dairy farm and my husband spends the majority of his days and nights milking cows and driving tractors. Our children are with me and it's usually just me and three kids. Carmen is 7 and a big help, but still needs my attention. Andre is 5, and Breccan is 6 months. While the older children are at school, it's Breccan and I. We run to the grocery store, the feed mill, the parts store, and oh...did I mention I'm a church organist too? So - Breccan and I also practice the piano and organ on a daily basis (as well as spending a fair amount of time at church). We cloth diaper and hang laundry on the line, we garden, do yard work, and it's our job to feed the youngest of the calves on the farm (currently there are 14 of them). There's not much 'down time' during our busy days.

Babywearing has helped me go about my day without purchasing expensive baby monitors or hiring someone to babysit. Breccan is with me from the moment we get up in the morning until bedtime. He now weighs 20lbs so our babywearing has evolved. In the beginning we really liked the stretchy wraps (ie: Moby Wrap, Baby K'Tan, etc...) but now, our absolutely favorites seem to be the ErgoBaby Carriers. The Ergo offers us the flexibility to get things done with the security of straps and buckles that ensure safety and security. I'm going to use bullet points to explain what we love about the Ergo. The first set of bullet points apply to the Original Ergo and then we will use a separate set to talk about the Ergo 360.

The Ergo Baby Organic 
**Allows you to wear your baby on your back
**Allows baby to fall asleep comfortably
**Has a hood that can be used to block the wind or support a sleepy head
**Offers 3 comfortable positions (back, side, front facing inward)
**Is washable and durable (it is not soft however)
**Is easily adjustable for different shapes and sizes so can be sized for both parents and/or a caregiver
**Is adjustable while wearing it (you can tighten or loosen most straps safely while wearing baby)

The Ergo Baby Organic is the carrier I wear everyday in the barn. I'm busy carrying 5 gallon buckets, bending, and moving and Breccan is comfortable on my back. He doesn't cry when he is in the Ergo and seems to enjoy being able to see the world around him. He has some mobility for his hands and can explore a bit. It DID take us a few tries to get comfortable with the positioning. Wearing your baby on your back is something most of us need some help with the first time or two. It's not un-safe (if done correctly) but can be a little scary for us moms. Once we got the hang of it, it was a welcome relief! Half way through chores I can feel Breccan as he really relaxes and I know he's falling asleep. I get to keep on working and he stays safely and securely sleeping!

Fast asleep in the milkhouse after chores! (see him in there?)

We liked the Ergo so much we decided we needed another one (there's no way I want to wear my barn Ergo to town or vice versa). Instead of ordering another one, I thought I would save some money and buy a used BBII (BecoBaby 2) carrier. The BBII has similar features but is in NO WAY as comfortable as the Ergo. Now my BBII sits on the kitchen chair and I'm still wearing my Ergo. This brings us to our next purchase. We bought an ErgoBaby 360 for our 'going to town' carrier. The Ergo 360 is new and doesn't offer as many color choices (there are only 2 at this time), but it has some fabulous features:

The Ergo Baby 360
**Allows you to wear your baby on your back
**Allows baby to fall asleep comfortably
**Has an adjustable body part that can be folded down for forward front carriers or left up for other carriers.
**Offers 4 comfortable positions (back, side, front facing inward AND front facing forward)
**Is washable and durable (it is not soft however)
**Is easily adjustable for different shapes and sizes so can be sized for both parents and/or a caregiver
**Is adjustable while wearing it (you can tighten or loosen most straps safely while wearing baby)
**Has a totally different closure than the Ergo Baby Original - there is a velcro section for added security (although if you're taking this one off in church...people ARE going to notice...oops!)
**Has an adjustable body part so baby's legs are at a comfortable angle for forward facing front.

Overall we are happy with our Ergo Carriers. They are pricey, but I would tell you they are worth the price. You'd pay the same for a quality stroller that separates you from your baby, so why not pay that price for something that will keep you together? There are so many reasons to babywear and depending on your lifestyle, baby's age, and your preferences your time will be well spent to find a carrier that works for you!

Happy babywearing from our family to yours!!!

**This post was not paid for by Ergo and I am in no way affiliated with them. All opinions expressed are solely my own. Products were purchased by our family and we were not reimbursed or paid for any portion of this post or the products discussed in the post.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Recipe: Mini Hamburger/Fries Cookie Treats

Here's a recipe your children will love! It's even easy enough to do as a family and there's no baking involved.

What you'll need:

Baking cups  (24 if you're making 24, 48 if you're making 48, etc...)
Vanilla Wafers (buy 2 boxes just in case you have a lot of broken pieces)
Thin Mint cookies (Girlscout cookies work fine, or I believe Keebler makes a knock off)
Red Frosting and Yellow Frosting (or white frosting and food coloring)
Sweetened Flake Coconut and Green Food Coloring
Sesame Seed
Potato Sticks (or as my daddy called them: shoestring potatoes)


Organize the appropriate number of Vanilla Wafers on a platter or cookie sheet. You are just putting down the bottom buns right now.

Place a small dollop of ketchup and mustard (yellow and red frosting) on the bottom bun to secure the 'hamburger'.

Place the Mint cookies on top of the ketchup and mustard and press down gently forcing some of the 'condiments' to smoosh to the edges of the bun and become visible.

Place another small dollop of ketchup and mustard (yellow and red frosting) on the top of the 'beef' (mint cookie).

Pour approximately 1 cup of coconut flakes into a zip lock baggie. Add a few drops of green food coloring and share vigorously until the coconut flakes appear perfect to imitate lettuce on your burgers.

Take a pinch of lettuce and drop it onto the condiments.

Take a vanilla wafer and place it on top of each burger. Press down gently and the vanilla wafer will stick to the frosting and cause the smooshing out of the condiments again. Things should be looking fairly realistic at this point.

Mix your water and sugar to form a sticky little mixture you can stick your finger in (of course your fingers will be clean). Only do a few burgers at a time...dip your finger in the sugar water and touch the top of the vanilla wafer and then shake some sesame seeds over the bun. The seeds should stick to the sugar water and give the bun a realistic appearance.

Allow each cookie to dry for a few moments and then place them into their own baking cup.

Add a pinch or so of the potato sticks so your hamburger appears to be nestled in a little basket with french fries on the side.

This is a nice salty/sweet combination that looks better than it tastes. Either way, it's a fun project and makes a nice snack for classmates and friends.