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What's This Plan You Speak Of?

 Happy second day of January ya'all!

Did you hear that it's bad luck to work on the first day of the New Year? Now I know...but hopefully all the housework I did yesterday won't cause me any issues this year!

Now that we've discussed my tendency to fill every moment with work of one sort or another, let's talk about my plan for 2025 and beyond. Here's what I'm hoping you'll see on this blog:

1) redesign the blog to bring it more current (I'm not opposed to cloth diapers, but my baby is 7 so I'm not "into" them anymore and I don't live in the corner of a cornfield

2) be more intentional with the focus of the blog

Let me explain #2 a bit more. When this blog baby was born it was just a space for me to share what interested me. I know it may seem weird to most, but if I had to describe the blog, I'd say it's a place you can find:






There's probably some griping included in there and a few short stories and poems, but in general that's what I'm all about. The bring on lemons thing is really about using MY voice and my strength to say "bring it on - bring on whatever life has for me and I'll turn it into something sensational!" This most certainly still applies - not just to me, but to all of us!

I still hold firm that a blog is not the space that needs to be perfect. This means, I'm not reading, re-reading, proofing, etc... this space for me is all about being my authentic self and that means you'll see lots of flaws and typos. If this bothers you, then maybe subscribe to something more professional. I'll still love you!

Being more intentional means writing daily. So...

3) have a clear day for each type of blog post

MONDAY - - - - Motivation Monday (what gets me going and keeps me going)

TUESDAY - - - - Temptation Tuesday (recipe of the week)

WEDENSDAY - - - - Wordy Wednesday (book reviews and information about anything writing related)

THURSDAY - - - - Thoughtful Thursday (get all my thoughts about what I think is hot or not - clothing, make-up, hair care, restaurants, travel, etc...)

FRIDAY - - - -  Fit Friday (this is the day - let's talk about drinking our water, sleeping enough, taking care of our bodies and minds - what am I doing or not doing?)

SATURDAY - - - - Serenity Saturday (I'm not sure what I'm going to put here - something that brings me joy - hopefully this will be about traveling to places, kayaking, etc... but who knows)

SUNDAY - - - - Soliloquy Sunday (Whatever thoughts are going through my brain - you get all of them and whatever "they" happen to be! 

4) get out there - do videos,  more photos on insta, more photo shoots, just more... stop hiding at home wondering if I'm worthy

So - that's the plan. Hope ya'all  are ready. The long term goal is to have a rocking blog and rocking social media platform(s) so once my books are published I can self-promote easily in addition to continuing to help other authors with their promotion. 

Here's to 2025 - Cheers! 


  1. If housework on New Year’s Day brings bad luck, I might be in trouble too! 😆 Excited to see what you have planned for 2025—looking forward to all the inspiration you’ll share.

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