The Economic Development Corporation of Manitowoc County (http://www.edcmc.org/) is offering a totally FREE $$$$ course on May 22nd and I signed up for it. Here's the scoop about the course:
Agriculture Product Marketing Seminar
**Wondering how to set your products apart?
**Want a consistent image from logo to label?
**Need a web and social media strategy?
with Andrea New, CEO, Image Maker
Who's Eligible: Farmers, ranchers, home gardeners, and agriculture-related businesses.
How Much: FREE!
When: May 22, 2012 3:00pm - 8:00pm
Where: EDC Offices, 202 N 8th St Manitowoc, WI
What Will I Gain: Learn brand development, connecting buyers with your story, successful packaging, super charged websites, and More.
Register Today!
Tel 920.482.0540
Provided with support from Wisconsin DATCP and US Department of Agriculture
Now that you know where the conversation started...it will all make sense. I of course, think Mark needs a website and a blog. I think people would love to hear cute stories about what is going on at the farm today, how the weather is, how helpful the government was with getting a grant, etc...and Mark doesn't think he needs a website/blog/facebook page and thinks that people wouldn't be interested.
So here we are - agreeing to disagree.
What do you think? To blog or not to blog, that is the question (sort of)...
May your paths be abundantly filled with lemons, sugar, sunshine, and just enough difference in opinions to keep life interesting!
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